Meet Rain. She is a 3 year old cow that just had her second calf (Drizzle) this early July. She was very shy and timid at first but once she learned what treats were she was quick to make her way to the front. There are only two of them but she likes to be at the front of the “line” anyway. By the time she was ready to calve she was already learning the milking routine. She’s getting less shy and we can now pet her but she would rather have a treat. She loves fresh fruit. She is a good mama and licks her baby often. We were informed she is half Jersey and half Brown Swiss, but I think she looks more holstein. Her genetics show she is A2/A2 and so will have the more digestable protein. Jerseys are know for their high butter fat content and cream-line. So far we’ve been very happy with the cream we are getting.

Meet Drizzle. She is a heifer calf born to Rain this early July. We named her Drizzle in keeping with the Rain theme. She in generous enough to share her mama’s milk with us. She couldn’t drink it all so is happy to share. She naps a lot but when she runs around for those short few seconds she is just precious. She lets us pet her and is not shy at all. She likes to go in the barn when then big ones are getting milked. I like to think she is practicing for her the day she is ready to be our milk cow. Her sire is A2/A2 just like her mama so she is A2/A2 as well.